Thomas More: All Tied to Value of Money

Posted by admin on Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thomas More Money Quote saying everything that matters seems tied to monetary values, including the concept of poverty. Thomas More said:
Men’s fears, solicitudes, cares, labours, and watchings would all perish in the same moment with the value of money; even poverty itself, for the relief of which money seems most necessary, would fall Quote

“Men’s fears, solicitudes, cares, labours, and watchings would all perish in the same moment with the value of money; even poverty itself, for the relief of which money seems most necessary, would fall” — Thomas More


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In this quote, Thomas More is speculating about what would happen if money itself lost all value. He suggests that if money became worthless, it would eliminate many of the anxieties and preoccupations that revolve around wealth, income and financial security in society.

More notes that concerns like “fears, solicitudes, cares, labours, and watchings” would instantly vanish along with money’s importance. He also argues that even poverty would cease to be a problem if currency had no value, since the economic resources needed to alleviate poverty would no longer be represented by monetary amounts.

More appears to be pointing out how much of human psychology, effort and societal structures are built around the concept of wealth quantified through money. The quote conveys the all-encompassing influence that the institution of currency holds over daily life and problems according to More’s perspective.

Birthday: February 7, 1478 – July 6, 1535

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