Posts Tagged ‘father’

French Proverb: Father is a Banker

Posted by admin on Friday, June 13, 2014

Meaning of French proverb: saying that we are all provided Fathers, seen as a banker provided by nature that nurtures.
A father is a banker provided by nature Quote

“A father is a banker provided by nature” — French Proverb

“Un père est un banquier fourni par la nature”


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In this French proverb, fathers are likened to bankers that are “provided by nature”. The proverb seems to be conveying that a father’s role is similar to that of a banker in some ways. Just as a banker provides financial support and guidance to customers, this proverb suggests fathers naturally fulfill an analogous role by offering children economic, practical and emotional support as they grow up.

It portrays fathers as being there to assist their children financially and with life lessons, just as banks aid customers. The proverb characterizes fathers as the nurturing providers that children can naturally rely on for stability, counsel and resources, much like customers depend on bankers. So it frames the father-child bond as having an inherent banking-like support system rooted in family ties.

Robert Orben: Honor Father Before Credit

Posted by admin on Thursday, June 12, 2014

Robert Orben Money Quotation saying that honoring father and mother used to come before honoring plastic. Robert Orben said:
Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards Quote

“Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards” — Robert Orben


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In this quote, Robert Orben is drawing a comparison between traditional family values and the modern emphasis on credit/debt. Specifically:

  • He notes that in the past, what people honored and respected most was their father and mother as parental figures.
  • Orben then contrasts this by saying nowadays what many honor most are “all major credit cards” implying a shift toward the importance of credit companies and debt obligations.

The overall message seems to be that Orben views family and intergenerational relationships as once providing more financial and social stability than our complex modern credit system dependent on plastic. Through humor and nostalgia, he suggests life was simpler when respecting elders, not lenders, guided people’s priorities and responsibilities.

Birthday: March 4, 1927 – Death: February 2, 2023

Milton Berle: Problem Christmas Gifts

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Milton Berle Funny Money Quote – Quotation saying kids sometimes use their parents’ stuff, so they don’t need their own and sometimes Christmas makes that clear. Milton Berle said:
My son has a big Christmas problem – what do you buy for a father who has everything and you’re using it? Quote

“My son has a big Christmas problem – what do you buy for a father who has everything and you’re using it?” — Milton Berle


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The above quote is by American comedian Milton Berle. In the quote, he is jokingly referring to the challenge of his own son buying a Christmas gift. Since Berle already owns and uses everything, there is nothing new his son could buy for him as a gift.

Berle is using humor to comment on how children may struggle to find a suitable gift for parents who are financially well-off and already possess most material goods. The quote suggests that finding a gift in that situation can indeed be a “big Christmas problem.”

Birthday: July 12, 1908 – Death: March 27, 2002

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