Ron Garan: Collaboratively End Poverty

Posted by admin on Saturday, May 5, 2018

Ron Garan Money Quote saying the ability to travel to space and build a home there could make poverty a thing of the past if we wanted it. Ron Garan said:
Collaborative mindset that built the International Space Station, we can alleviate poverty Quote

“If we adopt the same collaborative mindset and practices that got to the moon and back, and that built the International Space Station, we can alleviate poverty — and do much more” — Ron Garan


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In this quote, Ron Garan is drawing a parallel between large-scale international cooperation to achieve ambitious goals in space exploration, and what could be accomplished through similar collaboration to address issues like poverty on Earth.

Garan notes that by working together with a shared vision and purpose, as nations did in the Apollo program to land on the moon and in building the International Space Station, tremendous achievements are possible even for monumental technical challenges.

He implies that if the same “collaborative mindset and practices” of problem-solving together across borders were applied to social issues, then longstanding difficulties like poverty that seem intractable could also be significantly reduced through coordinated global action and resources.

Garan promotes adopting the proven model of multinational teamwork demonstrated in space programs and applying it to challenges here on our planet, to realize the untapped potential for positive change when people work as partners rather than competitors toward common humanitarian goals that uplift humanity.

#NationalAstronautDay May 5

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