Robert Ingersoll on Beggars Spending Like Kings

Posted by admin on Friday, February 8, 2013

Robert G. Ingersoll Money Quotation saying miserly kings are no better than a beggar if they hold tight to their money rather than releasing it to do good for the kingdom. Robert G. Ingersoll said:
I would rather be a beggar and spend my money like a king, than be a king and spend money like a beggar Quote

“I would rather be a beggar and spend my money like a king, than be a king and spend money like a beggar” — Robert G. Ingersoll


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In this quote, Robert G. Ingersoll is contrasting two different approaches to spending money. On one hand, he suggests it would be preferable to live as a beggar but spend lavishly and enjoy life’s pleasures like a king. On the other hand, he says being an actual king but spending money in a miserly way like a beggar would be less desirable.

Ingersoll appears to value living fully and finding enjoyment in life above all else. The quote conveys that true happiness comes more from fully experiencing what life has to offer, even if one’s wealth is modest, rather than amassing wealth but failing to appreciate life’s rewards.

Ingersoll seems to be advocating for prioritizing quality of life and experiences over simply accumulating wealth or status.

Birthday: August 11, 1833 – Death July 21, 1899

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