Ogden Nash: Earn, Don’t Have to Work

Posted by admin on Friday, July 23, 2010

Ogden Nash Money Quotation runs circles around the idea that you have to work in order to have the money to be able to not work – if you don’t like working. Got that?
If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work Quote

“If you don’t want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you won’t have to work” — Ogden Nash


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This quote by Ogden Nash suggests that if one does not want to be obligated to ongoing paid employment, the alternative is to work hard enough temporarily to accumulate sufficient wealth and savings that financial obligations can be met without further work.

The best interpretation is that complete freedom from work requires significant and diligent effort upfront to achieve long-term financial independence and security.

There are no easy paths to avoiding work altogether – one must work smart through strategic saving and investment in order to transition to a point where ongoing labor is optional rather than necessary.

This highlights the relationship between short-term effort or “work” and long-term goals of leisure, as well as the importance of financial planning for both work and retirement.

Birthday: August 19, 1902 – Death May 19, 1971

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