William Jennings Bryan: Financial Abuse

Posted by admin on Thursday, December 2, 2010

William Jennings Bryan Money Quote saying those with financial power denounce as traitors those who call out the criminal abuse of that power. William Jennings Bryan said:
The money power denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes Quote

“The money power denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes” — William Jennings Bryan


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William Jennings Bryan seems to be criticizing the political power and influence wielded by concentrated financial interests. The quote suggests that “the money power” – likely referring to wealthy bankers, investors and corporations – seeks to undermine and publicly discredit (“denounces…as public enemies”) anyone who dares to challenge (“question its methods”) or expose (“throw light upon its crimes”) the ways this financial elite operates and exerts control over the political system.

Bryan appears to be arguing that those with vast wealth and economic power try to maintain dominance by attacking and marginalizing dissenting voices that aim to curb their unchecked ability to manipulate policymaking. In essence, the message is that Bryan viewed large financial entities as actively working to suppress scrutiny or reforms that could diminish their outsized authority over political and policy outcomes.

Birthday: March 19, 1860 – Death: July 26, 1925

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