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Henry A. Wallace: Use News to Dupe Public

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Henry A. Wallace, former Vice President to Roosevelt, Money Quote saying fascism seeks to manipulate the news to gain power and funnel money to fascist uses. Henry A. Wallace said:
Fascist problem never truth, but how best to use the news to deceive public into giving more power Quote

“With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power” — Henry A. Wallace


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In this quote, Henry A. Wallace seems to be drawing a distinction between how fascists and non-fascists use the news/media. Specifically:

  • He argues that for a fascist, the goal is never about honestly presenting the truth or facts to citizens.
  • Rather, their sole concern is deceiving the public and manipulating the news/information to gain more financial support (money) or authority/control (power) for themselves and their political group.
  • Wallace implies fascists are not interested in an objective, truthful discussion but see the media primarily as a propaganda tool for self-enrichment and self-preservation in power.
  • The quote conveys Wallace’s view that transparency and public trust mean little to fascists – their focus is on exploiting information asymmetry for personal and partisan political gain.

Overall, Wallace appears to be highlighting how fascists are willing to distort reality and facts in order to accumulate more money and power for themselves, with no regard for ethics or civic duty in their use of mass media and news.

Birthday: October 7, 1888 – Death: November 18, 1965

#NationalHugANewsPersonDay March 17
#WorldPressFreedomDay May 3


Pat Bagley Sinclair Fake News

Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune, UT

Henry A. Wallace: Fascist Greed for Power

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Vice President to Roosevelt, Henry A. Wallace Money Quote saying fascism evades the laws that should protect citizens from greed wielded by the powerful. Henry A. Wallace said:
Fascists greed for money and power to evade the laws to safeguard the public from monopolistic extorion Quote

“[Fascists] in their insatiable greed for money and the power which money gives, do not hesitate surreptitiously to evade the laws designed to safeguard the public from monopolistic extortion
— Henry A. Wallace


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This quote from Henry A. Wallace criticizes fascists for their greed and willingness to illegally circumvent laws meant to protect the public from monopolistic abuse of power for profit. Wallace suggests fascists have an insatiable desire for money and the authority that wealth provides, which causes them to covertly violate anti-monopoly legislation designed to prevent companies from exploiting their dominant market position.

The quote portrays fascists as prioritizing self-interested accumulation of riches over ethical business practices and the well-being of consumers, implying their greed compromises moral scruples in order to maximize profits through monopolization at the public’s expense. Overall, Wallace conveys disapproval of fascists surreptitiously breaking anti-trust laws due to their unquenchable thirst for wealth, money and the control it enables them to wield over others.

Birthday: October 7, 1888 – Death: November 18, 1965

#NationalHugANewsPersonDay March 17

Pat Bagley Sinclair Fake News

Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune, UT

Alan Simpson: Political System Insiders

Posted by admin on Thursday, December 24, 2015

Alan Simpson Money Quotation saying Nearly three-quarters of Americans at the way money is corrupting politics. Alan Simpson said:
70% of Americans are angry and frustrated because our political system seems to only be working for insiders with money and power Quote

“70% of Americans are angry and frustrated because our political system seems to only be working for insiders with money and power” — Alan Simpson


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This quote from Alan Simpson suggests that a significant majority of Americans feel discontent with the current political system because they perceive it as primarily serving special interests and well-funded groups rather than the interests of ordinary citizens.

The quote implies that around 70% of the population believes the system is “captured” by monied insiders and lobbyists who are able to wield disproportionate influence over policymaking through campaign donations and other financial means.

Simpson seems to be criticizing a system that is not adequately representing the needs and priorities of average Americans, who instead feel their concerns are being ignored in favor of policies that mainly benefit those with wealth and power.

The quote conveys a sense that the political process has become unresponsive to the public due to the outsized role of money in politics.

William Black: Struggle Against $ Power

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 11, 2015

William Black Money Quotation saying if we accept that there is no hope against the abuses of financial power, we will accept those abuses without hope. William Black said:
William Black There’s never going to be a decisive victory against power and money and finance. We have to fight - every generation has to engage in the struggle quote

“There’s never going to be a decisive victory against power and money and finance. We have to fight – every generation has to engage in the struggle and if it gives up and says it’s hopeless, well it’ll give up and then it will be hopeless” — William Black


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In this quote, William Black is discussing the ongoing struggle to reform the financial system and curb the excessive power of banks and large corporations. He acknowledges that there will never be a single definitive victory that permanently solves these issues, since powerful financial and business interests will continually work to maintain their influence.

However, Black argues that each generation must continue fighting to hold such institutions accountable and limit their ability to act without oversight. If people give up and decide the challenge is hopeless, then meaningful change will never occur.

But by actively and persistently working to strengthen regulations, enforce laws, and make democratic processes more responsive to public interests rather than private wealth, progress can be made even if complete triumph is unattainable. The quote reflects Black’s view that reform requires sustained, multi-generational effort from concerned citizens rather than one conclusive win.

Birthday: July 10, 1723 – Death: February 14, 1780

Fight Money Power

Pavel Constantin, Romania


Roger Starr on Egalitarian Power of Money

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 7, 2015

Roger Starr Money Quotation saying cash in hand confers power over anyone – possessing money makes the holder a ruler until it is surrendered. Roger Starr said:
Roger Starr Money is the most egalitarian force in society. It confers power on whoever holds it quote

Money is the most egalitarian force in society. It confers power on whoever holds it” — Roger Starr


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Roger Starr seems to be suggesting that money provides power and influence to people relatively equally or fairly based solely on how much of it they possess, regardless of other attributes. Specifically, he states that money “confers power on whoever holds it”, implying that the distribution of wealth is not biased and instead empowers anyone who accumulates financial resources.

By describing money as “the most egalitarian force in society”, Starr appears to mean that it treats all people the same in terms of bestowing social and political clout based primarily on their monetary assets, with no other barriers or privileges involved. Overall, the quote portrays the influence of wealth in a positive light as something that is distributed evenly according to economic success alone.

Birthday: April 16, 1918 – Death: September 10, 2001

John Naisbitt: Source of Power – Information

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 25, 2015

John Naisbitt Money Quotation saying power is widely available to those who know the value of information according to the futurist author and thinker. John Naisbitt said:
John Naisbitt The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many quote

“The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many” — John Naisbitt


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John Naisbitt seems to be suggesting that information has now become a more impactful source of influence and authority than the accumulation of wealth by a small group.

Specifically, he implies that in the modern era, the ability to access, share and leverage information widely empowers many people, rather than power being concentrated due to money being controlled by just a few individuals or entities.

By describing information as “the new source of power”, Naisbitt appears to mean that the free and open exchange of ideas and knowledge among the general public has shifted the balance of power away from traditional financial elites.

Overall, the quote indicates Naisbitt views more equitable access to information as redistributing power into the hands of more people in society rather than being tied exclusively to monetary assets.

Birthday: January 15, 1929 – Death: April 8, 2021

Elizabeth Warren on Washington Power $

Posted by admin on Monday, December 15, 2014

Elizabeth Warren Money Quotation saying provisions of the Omnibus spending bill provided by Wall Street lobbyists protect powerful banks. Elizabeth Warren said:
Elizabeth Warren This fight isn’t about conservatives or liberals, it’s not about democrats or republicans, it’s about money - and it’s about power right here in Washington quote

“This fight isn’t about conservatives or liberals, it’s not about democrats or republicans, it’s about money – and it’s about power right here in Washington” — Elizabeth Warren


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is arguing that the real issue at stake is not partisan politics or ideological differences, but rather the disproportionate influence of money and powerful special interests over the political process in Washington D.C. She suggests that wealthy donors and large corporations have outsized sway regardless of whether politicians are conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat.

The quote conveys Warren’s view that campaign finance laws and the role of private money in elections pose a systemic threat to democracy by allowing a small group of influential funders to effectively buy access and favor with politicians across party lines. Warren believes this fight is about curbing the political power of big money in order to strengthen ordinary citizens’ representation in government.

Helen Gurley Brown: Power Before Recognition

Posted by admin on Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Helen Gurley Brown Money Quotation saying she prefers influence of power and money over awards and praise. Helen Gurley Brown said:
Helen Gurley Brown You can have your titular recognition. I'll take money and power quote

“You can have your titular recognition. I’ll take money and power” — Helen Gurley Brown


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In this quote, author and editor Helen Gurley Brown seems to be contrasting prestige or status (“titular recognition”) with actual influence and control (“money and power”). She implies that while some may value being honored with titles or accolades, she personally prioritizes accumulating financial resources and wielding tangible authority instead.

Brown appears to believe that money and power offer more real-world benefits than symbolic acknowledgments alone. The quote conveys Brown’s perspective that true agency comes from monetary means and decision-making power, not superficial honors or designations. She suggests she would choose practical influence over her career and life over empty gestures of recognition.

Birthday: February 18, 1922 – Death: August 13, 2012

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