Prince Lyrics: Fat Cats Got a Bailout

Posted by admin on Thursday, April 21, 2016

Prince Money Music lyrics for ‘Ol’ Skool Companywall street got bailed out and nobody else was helped after the billions spent to save those who caused the problem. Prince said:
Fat cats on Wall Street, They got a bailout, While somebody else got 2 wait, 700 billion but my old neighborhood, Ain't nothing changed but the date Quote

“Fat cats on Wall Street, They got a bailout, While somebody else got 2 wait, 700 billion but my old neighborhood, Ain’t nothing changed but the date” — Prince


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In these lyrics, Prince is expressing frustration with economic inequality and the disparate treatment of wealthy elites versus everyday citizens. He references the $700 billion financial industry bailout in 2008, arguing that while “fat cats on Wall Street” received a massive rescue package, people in his old neighborhood saw no real improvement to their lives or conditions despite the aid given to banks.

Prince suggests the bailout prioritized the financial sector’s profits over struggling communities. The lyrics convey a view that the system is rigged to favor the rich, as politicians will swiftly assist large corporations or the well-connected during crises but fail to enact lasting changes that benefit regular people.

Overall, Prince appears to be criticizing this imbalance and lack of fair treatment for all in the wake of the recession.

Birthday: June 7, 1958 – Death: April 21, 2016

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