Phyllis McGinley: Bloodhound Loans

Posted by admin on Saturday, March 23, 2019

Phyllis McGinley Money Quote saying once you borrow my stuff, I’ll probably forget them, but you won’t avoid me if you borrow my books and forget to return them. Phyllis McGinley said:
Borrow my umbrellas, my clothes, my money, and I will likely not think of them again. But borrow my books and I will be on your track like a bloodhound until they are returned Quote

“Borrow my umbrellas, my clothes, my money, and I will likely not think of them again. But borrow my books and I will be on your track like a bloodhound until they are returned” — Phyllis McGinley


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In this quote, McGinley is contrasting how she views the lending of different items. She suggests that if someone borrows “umbrellas, clothes, [or] money” from her, those are more disposable items and she likely “will not think of them again” once lent.

However, if someone borrows one of her “books,” she will doggedly pursue them like a “bloodhound” to get the books returned. This implies that books hold a special significance and value to her.

While she may not mind parting with other possessions temporarily, her books are very important and not something she lends out casually without ensuring their return. Overall, the quote highlights how McGinley treasures her books above other belongings.

Birthday: March 21, 1905 – Death: February 22, 1978

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