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Elizabeth Warren: On Student Loans

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 2, 2023

Meaning of Elizabeth Warren Money Quote: saying 40 million people have taken student loans they need to figure out how to repay over one and a half trillion dollars. Elizabeth Warren said:
Forty million people are trying to figure out how to pay off a combined $1.4 trillion in student loan debt Quote


“Forty million people are trying to figure out how to pay off a combined $1.4 trillion in student loan debt” — Elizabeth Warren


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In this quote, Elizabeth Warren is highlighting the large amount of student loan debt held by Americans. She notes that 40 million people collectively owe $1.4 trillion in student loans. Warren appears to be drawing attention to the scale of the student debt crisis and the difficulty that many face in repaying these loans.

Her statement recognizes the challenge faced by millions of individuals who have taken on significant debt to pay for their education and are struggling to pay it back.

Kevin Roose: Rapture Before Loans

Posted by admin on Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Meaning of Kevin Roose Money Quote: saying religious students add context to the fear of student loan payments, put debt into their prayers. Kevin Roose said:

Seen at Liberty University:

“Seen at Liberty University: “I hope the Rapture happens before my student loans are due” — Kevin Roose


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This quote from Kevin Roose reflects the perspective of a Liberty University student hoping that the Second Coming of Christ (“the Rapture”) would occur before their student loan payments become due. Some key points in interpreting the situation:

  • The student is portraying their student debt burden as an onerous financial obligation they would prefer to avoid having to repay.
  • Their comment aims to find humor in expressing a desire for a biblical event to conveniently absolve them of their loan responsibilities.
  • However, a balanced interpretation is that while student debt is a serious issue, joking about divine intervention to avoid loans could come across as frivolous to some.
  • Reasonable people may disagree on optimal policies around college affordability and debt repayment based on philosophies of personal responsibility and social support.

Overall, while the quote reflects one student’s perspective, discussing complex topics requires sensitivity, as reasonable observers can disagree both on lighthearted expressions and substantive policy solutions regarding higher education financing. The comment reflects a single viewpoint but not the range of perspectives across such nuanced debates.

Jacob Tomsky: Garbage Degree

Posted by admin on Monday, October 30, 2023

Meaning of Jacob Tomsky Money Quote: saying a college degree can confer worthless knowledge and still cost a lot of money. Jacob Tomsky said:

My degree was garbage stuffed inside a trash can of student loans Quote

“My degree was garbage stuffed inside a trash can of student loans” — Jacob Tomsky


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By calling his degree “garbage stuffed inside a trash can of student loans”, Tomsky appears to be expressing that he does not feel his degree was worth the large amount of debt he incurred from student loans.

The degree provided little value to him compared to the financial burden of the loans. He seems frustrated with the cost of higher education relative to the benefit he received from his particular degree.

Jim Butcher: Student Loan Evil

Posted by admin on Sunday, October 29, 2023

Meaning of Jim Butcher Money Quote: saying both student loan and credit card companies can be seen as evil. Jim Butcher said:

Just like credit card companies, or those student loan people. Now there's evil for you Quote

“Just like credit card companies, or those student loan people. Now there’s evil for you” — Jim Butcher


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In this quote, author Jim Butcher seems to be criticizing credit card companies and student loan providers. He refers to them as “evil”, suggesting he views their business practices and tactics in a very negative light. Butcher appears to believe these organizations take advantage of consumers by trapping them in long-term debt that can be difficult to pay off, similar to how the concept of “evil” involves harming or exploiting others for one’s own gain.

The quote implies Butcher thinks credit card and student loan businesses prioritize profits over fairness to customers, engaging in predatory behaviors that hurt individuals for the sake of making more money. He portrays them as preying on people, making them the embodiment of “evil” in his opinion.

Herbert Hoover: Inherit Debt

Posted by admin on Saturday, October 7, 2023

Meaning of Herbert Hoover Money Quote: saying Blessed are your children, for they get to pay the debts politicians agree to create. Herbert Hoover said:
Blessed are the Young, for they shall Inherit the National Debt Quote

“Blessed are the Young, for they shall Inherit the National Debt” — Herbert Hoover


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In this quote, Herbert Hoover seems to be commenting wryly on the financial challenges being passed down to future generations. By saying “Blessed are the Young, for they shall Inherit the National Debt”, Hoover appears to be suggesting that while the young may gain the blessings of youth, they are also inheriting the significant debt burdens accumulated by previous generations through government spending and deficits.

The quote conveys Hoover’s belief that the young people of America would have to take responsibility for repaying the massive national debt, which he viewed as a heavy burden they did not directly create but would still have to shoulder.

Overall, Hoover was acknowledging in a tongue-in-cheek way how rising government debt levels under his administration were leaving a difficult fiscal legacy for those to come.

Birthday: August 10, 1874 – Death: October 20, 1964

Samuel Johnson: Acceptilation

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 31, 2023

Meaning of Samuel Johnson Money Quote: saying a term of finance in civil law regarding money that has not been paid. Samuel Johnson said:

ACCEPTILATION  n.s. A term of the civil law,importing the remission of a debt by an acquittance from the creditor, testifying the receipt of money which has never been paid Quote

“ACCEPTILATION n.s. A term of the civil law,importing the remission of a debt by an acquittance from the creditor, testifying the receipt of money which has never been paid” — Samuel Johnson


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In this quote, Samuel Johnson is providing the definition for the legal term “acceptilation”. He explains that acceptilation refers to a situation in civil law where a creditor officially acknowledges, through an acquittance or receipt, that a debt has been paid even though the money was never actually received.

Essentially, it means the creditor is falsely claiming payment was made in order to legally discharge the debt when in reality it remains unpaid. The quote suggests acceptilation allowed creditors to remit or cancel debts on paper through deception rather than genuine settlement or repayment of what was owed.

Birthday: September 18, 1709 – Death: December 13, 1784

Jon Shuttlesworth: Ensnare Debt

Posted by admin on Friday, August 4, 2023

Meaning of Jonathan Shuttlesworth Money Quote: saying recommendation to avoid debt and trust God to help avoid becoming indebted. Jonathan Shuttlesworth said:

ensnarement of debt: If God can’t take me there, may I never go. If God can’t give Quote

“Allow these words to free you from the ensnarement of debt: If God can’t take me there, may I never go. If God can’t give it to me, may I never have it” — Jonathan Shuttlesworth


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This quote from Jonathan Shuttlesworth suggests taking a prudent approach to avoiding debt obligations that cannot reasonably be fulfilled through honest means. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Shuttlesworth implies that if one’s circumstances or abilities are not at a level where God or responsible efforts could enable repaying a debt, it’s best not to take it on to begin with.
  • He portrays debt as an “ensnarement” or trap to avoid by only taking on financial commitments that can legitimately be satisfied through future income or assistance rather than unrealistic hopes.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on where exactly to draw lines around prudent versus imprudent use of credit depending on individual situations and needs.
  • A balanced interpretation acknowledges both Shuttlesworth’s caution and the reality that for some, limited, short-term debt can make sense as part of a holistic personal financial strategy if the terms and repayment plan are sustainable.

Overall, the quote conveys a message of avoiding being overextended through debt obligations that exceed one’s means or abilities. But the best analysis also considers this one perspective in ongoing discussions around responsible use of credit for large purchases or emergencies, as perspectives on these complex issues can understandably vary between individuals.

Gary Reilly: Debt, Broke Better

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 3, 2023

Meaning of Gary Reilly Money Quote: saying the difference between being in debt and having no money compared for which is better. Gary Reilly said:

I've been broke, and I've been in debt, and broke is better Quote

“I’ve been broke, and I’ve been in debt, and broke is better” — Gary Reilly


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This quote from Gary Reilly suggests that being flat broke is preferable to being in debt. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:

  • Reilly implies that having no money at all is less burdensome than owing money to creditors that must be repaid.
  • He portrays debt as placing greater financial stress and constraints than temporarily having zero funds until more work or opportunities arise.
  • However, reasonable people can disagree on this, as some debt taken on judiciously (e.g. for education) can enable greater earning potential in the long run.
  • A balanced interpretation is that while reflecting Reilly’s viewpoint, both debt and insolvency involve challenges, and broader circumstances matter greatly in determining which state optimizes well-being and potential for any given individual.

Overall, the quote conveys Reilly’s stance based on his own experience. But the best analysis also considers that responsible use of debt complemented by savings and budgeting can work for some, while others prefer avoiding debt altogether – and both financial flexibility and financial fortitude have their place according to one’s priorities, abilities and changing needs over the life cycle.

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