Norman Eisen: Trump Hotel Emoluments

Posted by admin on Saturday, January 14, 2017

Norman Eisen Money Quote as former chief White House ethics lawyer for President Obama acknowledging Trump Hotel profits have been resolved emoluments clause concerns based on plan put forward by Trump ethics lawyers – but no other aspect of his businesses are included. Norman Eisen said:
The emoluments clause is not written to say that all emoluments are permitted except for Trump hotel profits Quote

“The emoluments clause is not written to say that all emoluments are permitted except for Trump hotel profits” — Norman Eisen


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Norman Eisen is arguing that the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution should not be interpreted narrowly as only prohibiting profits from Trump’s hotel business.

Eisen believes the clause more broadly prohibits the President from receiving any emoluments, which traditionally have been defined as profits, gains, or advantages of any kind from foreign states.

By saying the clause is “not written” to only ban Trump hotel profits, Eisen is asserting that the President is barred from receiving emoluments through any part of his business empire that could be influenced by foreign governments, not just one hotel.

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