Luis Gutierrez: Billionaire Opponents

Posted by admin on Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.) Money Quote saying that the Trump administration is filled with billionaire women hating, anti-science, racist cabinet members and staffers, so they’ve performed worse than expected. Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.) said:
Luis Gutiérrez About as bad as could be expected from a team of misogynist, climate-change denying, anti-immigration, billionaire civil rights opponents, but we better be ready for even worse to come quote

“About as bad as could be expected from a team of misogynist, climate-change denying, anti-immigration, billionaire civil rights opponents, but we better be ready for even worse to come” — Luis Gutiérrez


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In this quote, Luis Gutiérrez is sharply criticizing the composition and agenda of the current presidential administration. By describing the administration as made up of “misogynist, climate-change denying, anti-immigration, billionaire civil rights opponents”, Gutiérrez asserts the team embraces views counter to equality, science, compassion and democratic principles according to his perspective.

He suggests their policies thus far have been “about as bad as could be expected” given these stances, but warns “even worse” may be yet to come based on the ideological leanings and backgrounds of those in power.

The overall interpretation is that Gutiérrez presents the administration in the harshest terms as a threat to progressive values and marginalized groups due to what he views as its prejudiced and plutocratic stances that prioritize a narrow set of privileged interests over the general welfare and rights of citizens according to his assessment of their actions and rhetoric.

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