Joseph Addison: Virtues in Prosperity

Posted by admin on Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Joseph Addison Money Quote saying our best qualities may only be either prompted by circumstances or by that ability bestowed by wealth. Joseph Addison said:
Some virtues are only seen in affliction and some in prosperity Quote

“Some virtues are only seen in affliction and some in prosperity” — Joseph Addison


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In this quote, Joseph Addison is suggesting that some virtues or good qualities in people are only revealed under certain circumstances. He notes that some virtues come to light during times of affliction or hardship, while other virtues may be displayed more during prosperous times.

Addison appears to mean that it takes different situations to truly understand someone’s character and see all the virtues they possess. Whether during difficult periods or easier times, challenges and success each have a role to play in bringing out various virtues in an individual.

Overall, Addison is acknowledging that a person’s strengths cannot always be fully known and different contexts are needed to see all aspects of their virtues.

Birthday: May 1, 1672 – Death: May 17, 1719

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