Joe Pug: More I Buy, More I’m Bought

Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Joe Pug Money Quote saying in lyrics to his song titled Hymn #101 on the EP, Nation of Heat we may be the measure of the value of our purchases. Joe Pug said:
I say the more I buy the more I'm bought. And the more I'm bought the less I cost Quote

“I say the more I buy the more I’m bought. And the more I’m bought the less I cost” — Joe Pug


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In this lyric, Joe Pug seems to be reflecting on how consumerism and materialism can compromise one’s independence and values over time. The line “the more I buy the more I’m bought” suggests that by spending heavily and accumulating possessions, a person becomes increasingly defined by what they own rather than their own identity or character.

In turn, as ownership and attachment to goods grows, the person’s self-worth and sense of self may diminish, reflected in the line “the more I’m bought the less I cost.” So in essence, Pug appears to be commenting on how a preoccupation with buying and acquiring can cheapen or compromise one’s sense of self-worth if taken to an extreme.

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