Jeffrey Winters on Dollar Dysfunctional Democracy

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Jeffrey A. Winters Money Quotation saying wealthy voters cause an unhealthy political system by bending policy to meet their needs. Jeffrey A. Winters said:
Democracy appears chronically dysfunctional when it comes to policies that impinge on the rich Quote

“Democracy appears chronically dysfunctional when it comes to policies that impinge on the rich” — Jeffrey A. Winters


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In this quote, Jeffrey A. Winters is making an observation about the challenges of enacting policies that negatively impact wealthy interests within a democratic system. He suggests that democracy can seem perpetually “dysfunctional” when trying to implement reforms that curb the political power of the rich or redistribute wealth in a way they oppose.

Winters appears to be acknowledging that concentrated economic power allows the wealthy to exert disproportionate influence over the policy process in ways that serve their narrow interests, even if certain measures may benefit society more broadly.

The quote conveys Winters’ perspective that democracy struggles to overcome such financial obstacles when addressing issues that impinge upon the privileges of the affluent.

No, Toto, I don't think we're in Democracy anymore

Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune


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