George Bernard Shaw: Office Trial

Posted by admin on Thursday, August 20, 2020

George Bernard Shaw Money Quote saying it’s tough for someone without work who wants to go to an office more than anything. George Bernard Shaw said:
A man who has no office to go to — I don’t care who he is — is a trial of which you can have no conception Quote

“A man who has no office to go to — I don’t care who he is — is a trial of which you can have no conception” — George Bernard Shaw


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George Bernard Shaw is saying that not having a job or an office to go to each day is a very difficult situation for anyone to be in. Even if the person is very accomplished or successful in other areas of their life, not having work or professional responsibilities can be a major source of stress, frustration, and boredom.

Shaw is suggesting that unless you have personally experienced being unemployed and without a place or purpose to go each day, you cannot truly understand or appreciate how challenging that situation would be psychologically and emotionally. The quote emphasizes how important having stable employment and a career can be for one’s sense of purpose, structure, and well-being.

Birthday: July 26, 1856 – Death: November 2, 1950

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