Dalai Lama: Peaceful Happy Success

Posted by admin on Friday, June 1, 2018

Dalai Lama Money Quote saying inner peace in our hearts is a greater measure of success than money in the bank. Dalai Lama said:
Happiness and success aren't measured by how much money you have, but peace in your heart Quote

“Everyone wants to lead a peaceful, happy life, but happiness and success aren’t measured by how much money you have, but by whether you have inner peace in your heart” — Dalai Lama


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In this quote, the Dalai Lama is emphasizing that true happiness and a sense of well-being come from inner peace of mind, not external factors like wealth or social status.

He suggests that people measure success in life not by their bank account size or possessions, but by experiencing inner calmness and contentment.

The Dalai Lama’s perspective is that developing compassion for oneself and others is more important than accumulating riches.

His view is that living according to virtues like kindness, gratitude and generosity is what gives lasting fulfillment, not tangible achievements or material gains alone.

Overall, the Dalai Lama is encouraging people to find purpose and joy through cultivating peace within their heart and strengthening qualities of wisdom, empathy and goodwill.


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