Cynthia Payne: Do It, Make Money

Posted by admin on Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cynthia Payne Money Quote saying that sex work allowed her to pay the rent and she later became a well-known Madame. Cynthia Payne said:
I realised I could do it  and make money. It made me bloody determined I was never going to go crawling for money again Quote

“I realised I could do it and make money. It made me bloody determined I was never going to go crawling for money again” — Cynthia Payne


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Cynthia Payne seems to be reflecting on a realization that empowered her financially. She discovered she had abilities and opportunities to earn her own money, which made her determined never again to be in a position of dependence on others or having to beg for financial help.

Payne’s quote suggests that gaining confidence in her capacity to generate income through her efforts gave her a sense of independence and resolve not to revert to a state of having to rely on or “crawl” to others for money in the future.

Overall, her comment conveys that realizing she could support herself through her work was a liberating and motivating experience that strengthened her self-sufficiency.

Birthday: December 24, 1932 – Death: November 15, 2015

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