Bernie Sanders: Pharma Bought Congress

Posted by admin on Monday, January 23, 2017

Bernie Sanders Money Quote saying U.S. drugs prices inflated because big pharma has lobbied and paid Congress to allow monopoly pricing and uncontrolled price increases. Bernie Sanders said:
Why do Americans pay so much more than Canadians for prescription drugs? Because the pharmaceutical industry has bought the US Congress Quote

“Why do Americans pay so much more than Canadians for prescription drugs? Because the pharmaceutical industry has bought the US Congress” — Bernie Sanders


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In this quote, Bernie Sanders is criticizing the high costs of prescription drugs in the United States compared to other countries like Canada. He argues that a key reason Americans pay so much more for medications is because the powerful pharmaceutical industry has spent large sums of money lobbying and influencing members of Congress through political donations.

By “buying” Congress, Sanders implies that drug companies have been able to shape legislation and policies in a way that maximizes their profits, even if it burdens average Americans with higher healthcare costs. Overall, Sanders is attributing the disparity in drug prices between the U.S. and Canada to the political influence that large pharmaceutical corporations wield through campaign financing and their lobbying efforts over American policymakers.


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