Ben Bernanke: Money Helicopter

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 12, 2021

Ben Bernanke Money Quote saying he’d dump loads of cash from helicopters to revive a flagging economy. Ben Bernanke said:
I'd throw dollars out of helicopters if I had to, to stimulate the economy Quote

“I’d throw dollars out of helicopters if I had to, to stimulate the economy” — Ben Bernanke


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In this quote, Ben Bernanke is referring to an unconventional monetary policy known as “helicopter money” or “money-financed fiscal policy.” By stating he would literally drop money from helicopters to stimulate the economy if necessary, Bernanke was suggesting the Federal Reserve would take extreme measures to boost economic activity, including direct money transfers to citizens.

The quote implies Bernanke was committed to using all available tools to support the economy, even hypothetical unprecedented policies like direct cash handouts, rather than accept recession. Overall, Bernanke appears to have been conveying his willingness to take dramatic action if needed to prevent a downturn, through this colorful reference to an extreme form of quantitative easing.

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