Abraham Lincoln on Cost of Horses

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Abraham Lincoln Money Quotation saying it’s easy to promote more officers to replace those lost to war, but transportation must be paid for. Abraham Lincoln said:
 can make more generals, but horses cost money Quote

“I can make more generals, but horses cost money” — Abraham Lincoln


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The Abraham Lincoln quote “I can make more generals, but horses cost money” refers to the costs associated with fighting the Civil War. Lincoln is saying that it was relatively easy to promote more officers to replace generals lost in battle, but replacing horses was much more expensive.

Horses were a vital part of transportation and logistics in the 1860s, so losing horses had a significant financial impact. The quote highlights how Lincoln had to consider economic factors like transportation costs in addition to military strategy and personnel during the war.

Birthday: February 12, 1809 – Death: April 15, 1865

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