Penn Jillette: Utopia Past Money & Sex

Posted by admin on Sunday, October 25, 2015

Penn Jillette Money Quotation saying happiness is beyond the milestones of money and sex on the map of utopia. Penn Jillette said:
Penn Jillette As I’m fond of saying, if you want to find utopia, take a sharp right on money and a sharp left on sex and it’s straight ahead quote

“As I’m fond of saying, if you want to find utopia, take a sharp right on money and a sharp left on sex and it’s straight ahead” — Penn Jillette


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In this colorful quote, magician Penn Jillette is using money and sex as metaphors to offer a philosophical perspective. His view seems to be that if one seeks a utopian society free from problems or imperfections, they must abandon extreme views about these two topics. By “taking a sharp right on money,” Jillette implies moving away from ideas that money is purely evil or the root of all issues.

And by “taking a sharp left on sex,” he suggests avoiding rigid positions on sexuality as wholly sinful or taboo. Jillette’s point appears to be that moderation and balance – not absolutism – on issues involving wealth and intimacy are more conducive to social harmony. By avoiding polarization on these subjects, he believes one can progress toward creating a more ideal, equitable and tolerant world.

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