Warren Buffett: Presidential Market Credit
on Wednesday, July 5, 2017Warren Buffett Money Quote saying President Trump is taking credit for the improvement of the U.S. economy since his election, but will certainly distance himself from blame if the market drops. Warren Buffett said:
“If I ever get elected president, I will never claim credit for anything the market does, because I don’t want to be blamed when it goes the other direction” — Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett is saying that if he were president, he would not take credit for rises in the stock market, because he does not want to be blamed for any declines in the market either. Buffett is acknowledging that the president does not have direct control over the market, and it can rise or fall for many complex reasons outside a president’s control.
By not claiming credit for the market’s gains, the president avoids having to take responsibility or blame if the market moves against the interests of the economy or investors.