Toba Beta: Money Myth of Gain & Luck

Posted by admin on Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Toba Beta Money Quote saying beliefs alter reality in financial status and economics of wealth. Toba Beta said:
Money myth affects gain and luck. In economics, illusion of money affects wealth Quote

“Your money myth affects your gain and luck. In economics, illusion of money affects wealth” — Toba Beta


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In this quote, Toba Beta is suggesting that people’s psychological attitudes and beliefs about money can significantly impact their financial outcomes and prosperity.

When Beta refers to one’s “money myth” and the “illusion of money”, he appears to mean preconceived notions, misconceptions or emotional associations regarding wealth that influence behavior.

The quote implies that how individuals conceptualize and approach monetary matters, even if not entirely grounded in reality, can affect their ability to accumulate riches.

Beta seems to be arguing that economics involves as much psychology as tangible factors, and that subjective perceptions of wealth play a role in determining objective financial success or lack thereof.

Overall, the quote conveys the perspective that mindset and money mindsets specifically can influence tangible gains and opportunities for abundance.

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