Terry Pratchett: Everything Became Money

Posted by admin on Friday, October 20, 2017

Terry Pratchett Money Quote saying that when everything is distorted as seen through a lens of money, nothing is visible as anything but its monetary value. Terry Pratchett said:
Everything became money and treated us as things and we died Quote

“There was no safety. There was no pride. All there was, was money. Everything became money, and money became everything. Money treated us as if we were things, and we died” — Terry Pratchett


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In this quote, Terry Pratchett is criticizing the dehumanizing effects of reducing all value to strictly monetary terms. By stating that in such a system “everything became money, and money became everything”, Pratchett suggests life loses higher meaning when financial gain overrides all other considerations.

He implies that viewing people as economic commodities rather than human beings with intrinsic worth leads to a loss of dignity, safety nets and sense of purpose. Pratchett conveys that such an outlook treats individuals as expendable “things” who can be cast aside when no longer economically viable.

His message seems to be that overemphasis on wealth accumulation as the sole measure of self and society degrades life to mere money-making until personal destruction, indicating a balanced perspective is needed. Overall, the quote warns of spiritual and social impoverishment when financial factors alone determine one’s place and protections in the world.

Birthday: April 28, 1948 – Death: March 12, 2015

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