Posts Tagged ‘trust fund’
Abigail Disney: Having Money Nice
on Thursday, July 15, 2021Abigail Disney Money Quote saying there are privileges that come with wealth which are difficult to deny yourself because they are so nice to have. Abigail Disney said:
“Having money — a lot of money—is very, very nice. It’s damn hard to resist the seductions of what money buys you. I’ve never been much of a materialist, but I have wallowed in the less concrete privileges that come with a trust fund, such as time, control, security, attention, power, and choice” — Abigail Disney
In this quote, Abigail Disney seems to be acknowledging both the tangible and intangible benefits that come with significant inherited wealth, while also recognizing its potential pitfalls and indulgences if not kept in check. Specifically:
- Disney notes that having “a lot of money” in the form of a large trust fund is “very, very nice” in terms of comforts it can provide.
- However, she also states it is “damn hard to resist” the temptations that wealth enables through lavish purchases and indulgences.
- While not overly materialistic herself, Disney admits to having “wallowed in the less concrete privileges” that substantial funds afford, such as greater time freedom, control over her schedule and choices, security, attention, a sense of power, and a wide range of options and discretion over how she spends her time and lives according to her own priorities and values.
The best interpretation is that Disney acknowledges wealth’s advantages but also understands its capacity to corrupt through excesses if not managed prudently, given her reflections on both the tangible luxury and intangible autonomy that significant trust resources have afforded her, even as she claims not to define herself primarily by possessions according to her perspective on both the pros and cons of inheriting a large trust fund and the responsibilities that come with it.
Chris Rock: Debt Fund, In The Hole
on Monday, September 9, 2019Chris Rock Money Quote saying his kids will need to be prepared to pay off his debt after he’s gone, rather than inheriting lots of money. Chris Rock said:
“Spoiled? My kids don’t have a trust fund, they have a debt fund and when I die they’ll be 4 million in the hole” — Chris Rock
This quote from comedian Chris Rock suggests that rather than leaving an inheritance for his children, he intends to saddle them with a substantial debt burden upon his death. Some key points in interpreting his perspective:
- Rock portrays the opposite of wealthy parents who set up trust funds for kids – instead he implies amassing debts they’ll owe when he passes away.
- His tone conveys a sardonic, joking attitude toward the notion of financially “spoiling” children by giving them a head start or assistance.
- However, his situation and priorities may differ from those with fewer means trying to help offspring responsibly through prudent support like funding education without debt.
- A balanced interpretation is that Rock aims to be amusing more than provide financial advice. Reasonable people can disagree on intergenerational responsibilities according to their own values and circumstances over a lifetime.
Overall, the quote reflects Rock’s comedic viewpoint through exaggeration for effect rather than literal guidance. But the best analysis considers this perspective as one of many valid stances, as families reasonably navigate complex discussions around balancing care for future generations with equitable treatment of all according to philosophy, culture and changing needs over time.