Posts Tagged ‘standard of living’

Jane Goodall: Abject Poverty 80%

Posted by admin on Monday, March 4, 2019

Jane Goodall Money Quote saying wealth distribution is weighted toward those helping to destroy the environment aof the planet and should be tilted back to those in poverty. Jane Goodall said:
We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources Quote

“We can’t leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world’s people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources” — Jane Goodall


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In this quote, renowned primatologist Jane Goodall is addressing the issue of global inequality and environmental sustainability. Some key points:

  • She acknowledges that leaving the majority of people (80%) in “abject poverty” is not acceptable or just. Their standard of living needs to improve.
  • However, Goodall argues that the outsized consumption habits of the wealthiest 20% of the world’s population, who use a disproportionate share of natural resources, must be curbed significantly.
  • There needs to be a balancing of raising up the global poor while simultaneously lowering the environmental impact of the richest groups through more sustainable practices.
  • Implicitly, Goodall is calling for a more equitable distribution of resources worldwide to lift living standards for all in a way that protects the planet’s long-term viability.

Overall, the quote conveys Jane Goodall’s view that addressing poverty and protecting nature require coordinated efforts – prosperity must rise for most while the consumption patterns of the affluent few who strain ecosystems need substantial adjustment as well through more responsible stewardship of resources.

Birthday March 4, 1934


Franklin Roosevelt: Privilege for Few

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 6, 2019

Franklin Roosevelt Money Quote saying expectations of our economic system are Equality, Jobs, Security, Civil Liberties and end of privilege for the few. Franklin Roosevelt said:
Jobs. Security. The ending of special privilege for the few. The preservation of civil liberties for all rising standard of living Quote

“The basic things expected by our people of their political and economic systems are simple. They are: Equality of opportunity for youth and for others. Jobs for those who can work. Security for those who need it. The ending of special privilege for the few. The preservation of civil liberties for all. The enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and constantly rising standard of living” — Franklin Roosevelt


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In this quote, Franklin Roosevelt is outlining some core principles and priorities that he feels the American people expect and desire from their government and economic system. Some key points:

  • He lists “equality of opportunity” for citizens regardless of background as a basic expectation.
  • Full employment/jobs for all able citizens is another fundamental goal people seek.
  • Social security/support for those unable to work themselves is important.
  • Ending disproportionate advantages and privileges reserved just for a select few is valued.
  • Preserving civil liberties for the entire populace.
  • Allowing all citizens to benefit from technological/scientific progress through a steadily improving standard of living.

Overall, Roosevelt conveys that at their foundation, Americans want a society offering fairness, participation, security, equal rights and shared prosperity/progress through responsive economic and political systems that uphold these basic principles of justice, participation and care for citizens’ well-being.

Birthday:January 30, 1882 – Death: April 12, 1945

Scott Santens: Human Rights Day UBI

Posted by admin on Sunday, December 10, 2017

Scott Santens Money Quote saying that December 10, 1948 – the United Nations General Assembly voted to support a minimum standard of living and health care as basic human rights. Scott Santens said:
world came together to declare human beings had a human right to an adequate standard of living Quote

“69 years ago today, the world came together to declare human beings had a human right to “an adequate standard of living,” and to this day, no nation has yet recognized that right with both universal health care & basic income” — Scott Santens


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Scott Santens is referring to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN on December 10, 1948, which declared that everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living.

However, Santens argues that to this day, no country has fully realized and implemented that right by providing both universal healthcare coverage and some form of basic or universal income for all citizens. While some nations may have one or the other, no place has established both as human rights that ensure all people can afford their basic needs like health and living expenses.

Santens is criticizing the gap between proclaiming economic rights and actually fulfilling them in a comprehensive way through policy that guarantees healthcare and a minimum income floor for every person.


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