Posts Tagged ‘malcolm forbes’

Malcolm Forbes: People Enjoy Making Living

Posted by admin on Friday, January 27, 2017

Malcolm Forbes Money Quote saying it’s a serious goof many make to choose a career they don’t enjoy. Malcolm Forbes said:
The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy


“The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy” — Malcolm Forbes


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In this quote, Malcolm Forbes seems to be advising people not to prioritize job security, salary or prestige over personal fulfillment in their career choices. By describing it as “the biggest mistake”, Forbes implies that sacrificing joy and passion in one’s work simply to earn a living can negatively impact quality of life.

The best interpretation is that Forbes believed lifelong happiness depends more on doing a vocation or business that one truly enjoys, rather than focusing solely on financial gain. The quote conveys Forbes’ viewpoint that people should try pursuing their interests and talents as a means of making a living, even if it involves more risk, rather than resigning themselves to work they do not find satisfying for the sake of stable income.

Birthday: August 19, 1919 – Death: February 24, 1990

Malcolm Forbes on Correcting Moneyed Opinion

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Malcolm Forbes Money Quotation saying the courage to challenge an opinion is often affected by how much wealth they have and whether they have control over yours. Malcolm Forbes said:
A lot of money doesn’t make anyone more often right. It just makes him harder to correct Quote

“A lot of money doesn’t make anyone more often right. It just makes him harder to correct” — Malcolm Forbes


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In this quote, Malcolm Forbes is commenting on how having a lot of money or wealth can sometimes make it more difficult to convince someone they are wrong about something. Forbes suggests that possessing significant financial resources does not inherently make a person more frequently correct in their views or opinions.

However, it can potentially make others less likely or able to directly contradict or “correct” a wealthy individual when they are mistaken. The quote implies that wealth can confer a sense of confidence, influence or status that makes others less inclined to openly challenge the perspectives of a monied person, even if factually inaccurate.

So in essence, Forbes is saying that money alone does not equate to being right, but it may discourage others from directly pointing out when a wealthy individual is wrong.

Malcolm Forbes: Working Makes Jack Less Dull

Posted by admin on Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Malcolm Forbes Money Quote saying if you make enough that you are no longer considered dull – so as long as you spend the money – you have potential to be much more interesting. Malcolm Forbes said:
All work and no play makes jack. With enough jack, Jack needn’t be a dull boy Quote

“All work and no play makes jack. With enough jack, Jack needn’t be a dull boy” — Malcolm Forbes


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In this quote, Malcolm Forbes is playing on the idiom “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” He’s suggesting that while diligent work is important, having accumulated sufficient wealth or “jack” (money) allows one to avoid becoming bored or “dull” through a lack of leisure and fun.

Forbes implies that financial security provides the freedom to enjoy relaxation and entertainment without the need to constantly labor, which can drain one’s enthusiasm and zest for life over time.

So in essence, the quote conveys that having a comfortable income through one’s efforts removes the pressure to be all business all the time and enables balance through recreational pursuits, keeping one mentally and emotionally engaged.

It emphasizes the value of work-life integration supported by financial means.

Malcolm Forbes: Inheritance of Wealth

Posted by admin on Saturday, July 24, 2010

Malcolm Forbes Money Quote on the sure-fire way to make money, by inheriting it from a wealthy relative on their deathbed.
I made my money the old-fashioned way. I was very nice to a wealthy relative right before he died Quote

“I made my money the old-fashioned way. I was very nice to a wealthy relative right before he died” — Malcolm Forbes


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This quote by Malcolm Forbes is meant in a humorous and tongue-in-cheek way. Malcolm Forbes was an American publisher, investor and entrepreneur who inherited his family’s business, Forbes magazine.

The quote is poking fun at the notion that one can get rich by currying favor with a wealthy relative before they pass away and potentially include you in their will.

While there may be an element of truth to the idea that being nice to family can have financial benefits, the quote is primarily meant as a joke and not a serious suggestion for how to acquire wealth.

It highlights Forbes’ witty personality and self-awareness about how he came to inherit his family’s successful business assets.

Birthday: July 19, 1919 – Death: February 24, 1990

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