Posts Tagged ‘gloria steinem’

Gloria Steinem: Accumulate Money

Posted by admin on Thursday, January 23, 2020

Gloria Steinem Money Quote saying rewards of changing the world are greater than simply collecting more. Gloria Steinem said:
It is more rewarding to watch money change the world than watch it accumulate Quote

“It is more rewarding to watch money change the world than watch it accumulate” — Gloria Steinem


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Gloria Steinem is saying that it is more personally fulfilling to see money being used to positively impact and change the world, rather than simply watching it grow in one’s own possession.

The best interpretation is that Steinem finds true satisfaction comes from money being applied constructively through philanthropic or social causes that enhance people’s lives, rather than deriving pleasure from amassing wealth alone or the accumulation of riches for its own sake.

Her quote conveys the idea that money is best understood as a tool for creating beneficial change, and its greatest value is realized when it is spent strategically to help others rather than being hoarded or focused on increasing one’s own material wealth and status.

Gloria Steinem: Rich & Poor Financial Planning

Posted by admin on Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Funny Money Quotes: getting rich and keeping money in the family involves planning that can’t be done by those without the resources to preserve. Gloria Steinem said:
Rich people plan for three generations. Poor people plan for Saturday night Quote

“Rich people plan for three generations. Poor people plan for Saturday night” — Gloria Steinem


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Gloria Steinem is highlighting the different time horizons and priorities that often distinguish the rich from the poor. The best interpretation is that wealthy people typically take a long-term, multi-generational approach to financial planning to preserve and grow their assets over decades, while those living in poverty tend to focus more on short-term survival and immediate gratification due to greater economic insecurity and uncertainty.

Steinem’s quote suggests the rich can envision long-term legacy and security for their descendants, whereas the poor usually think and plan only a few days ahead due to more pressing daily needs and lack of a financial cushion.

Overall, she is drawing attention to how poverty constrains people’s ability to envision and prepare for their future beyond mere short-term necessities.

Gloria Steinem: Economic Rationalization

Posted by admin on Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Money Quote saying Economics is all smoke and mirrors, justifications and rationalizations based on what matters most at the time to the most powerful participants with minor concessions to reason. Gloria Steinem said:
Economic systems are not value-free columns of numbers based on rules of reason, but ways of expressing what varying societies believe is important Quote

“Economic systems are not value-free columns of numbers based on rules of reason, but ways of expressing what varying societies believe is important” — Gloria Steinem


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Gloria Steinem is saying that economic systems are not neutral or objective structures based purely on logic and data-driven rules. Rather, they reflect the underlying values and priorities of the societies that create them.

The best interpretation is that the specific models a culture adopts for matters like production, distribution and consumption reveal what that culture considers most meaningful or worthwhile.

Steinem’s quote suggests economics is as much about social and philosophical choices as it is numbers – the systems that emerge are shaped by a community’s shared sense of what truly matters, not detached formulas.

In this view, different economic approaches can be understood as expressions of differing worldviews and definitions of “the good life” among various peoples.

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