Posts Tagged ‘bubble’

Donald Trump: Big Fat Ugly Bubble Up Yup

Posted by admin on Thursday, January 26, 2017

Donald Trump Money Quote saying opposite things based on how the situation of the moment makes him look, blaming others for dangerous bubble in the markets when he has no power or later when that bubble inflates further, taking credit for overinflated optimism. Donald Trump said:
'We are in a big, fat, ugly bubble' -- 9/26/16  'I'm very proud [of Dow 20,000]. Now we have to go up, up, up' - 1/25/17 Quote

“We are in a big, fat, ugly bubble” — Donald Trump – 9/26/16

“I’m very proud [of Dow 20,000]. Now we have to go up, up, up” — Donald Trump – 1/25/17


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In the first quote from September 2016, Donald Trump warns that stock prices appear inflated in a “big, fat, ugly bubble” that could potentially burst. However, in the January 2017 quote after becoming President, his tone is more optimistic as the Dow Jones Industrial Average surpasses 20,000, saying the market now needs to continue rising higher.

A balanced interpretation is that:

  • Trump accurately identified bubbly conditions pre-election but also shifted messaging post-inauguration to claim credit for market gains.
  • As President, markets rise and fall due to many complex factors largely outside any one person’s control.
  • Both perspectives have merit – valuations can appear high yet markets can still trend upward for long periods.
  • Reasonable experts may disagree on how much impact policies have on short-term market moves vs other dynamics like business/investor sentiment.

Overall, while Trump aimed to both forecast and take credit for the market at different times, an even-handed view is that neither quote fully captures the complex interplay between valuations, economic conditions, and psychological factors that determine long-term investment returns. Multiple factors influence short and long-term market performance.

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