Socrates: What Use of Wealth is Praised?
on Friday, March 13, 2015Socrates Money Quotation saying judgement should be reserved until it is known if wealth is used toward good, then it deserves praise. Socrates said:
“If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it” — Socrates
In this quote, Socrates is saying that a man should not be praised or admired simply for possessing wealth. He argues one cannot truly assess a wealthy individual’s character or worthiness of praise until it is known how that person chooses to use their riches.
Socrates implies that wealth alone does not define a person’s virtue or value to society. According to Socrates, true judgment of the wealthy man should depend on whether he selflessly contributes part of his fortune to worthwhile causes that help improve lives, or instead merely hoards his assets for personal gain.
Socrates believes a person’s wealth is less important than how that wealth is employed to benefit others less fortunate.
Birthday: c. 470 – Death: 399 BC