Robert Reich: Top-Heavy Capitalism
on Thursday, July 21, 2016Robert Reich Money Quote saying financilization of business creates a bias toward the wealthy at the top. Robert Reich said:
“We are lurching toward a capitalism so top-heavy it cannot be sustained” — Robert Reich
In this quote, Robert Reich is warning about the unsustainability of an economic system that has become excessively dominated by the very wealthiest individuals and corporations. He argues that capitalism in the U.S. is increasingly “top-heavy”, meaning a disproportionate and growing share of wealth and power is concentrated at the top levels.
Reich suggests that an economic model that primarily benefits such a narrow segment of society cannot be maintained long-term. By stating the system is “lurching” in this direction, he implies it is becoming unbalanced and unstable.
Overall, Reich is criticizing rising inequality under capitalism and predicting the current form cannot endure if it continues to privilege the few at the top over broader prosperity and opportunity for all.