Albert Einstein: Politics of Poverty

Posted by admin on Sunday, June 19, 2011

Albert Einstein Money Quotation saying a populace that cannot afford food or basic necessities cannot be led effectively or inspired by political high ideals when hungry. Albert Einstein said:
An empty stomach is not a good political advisor Quote

“An empty stomach is not a good political advisor” — Albert Einstein


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In this quote, Einstein seems to be commenting on how hunger or basic physical needs can cloud one’s political or social judgment. He appears to mean that when one is preoccupied with emptying their stomach (satisfying hunger), they will not give careful, reasoned consideration to political matters.

Einstein is likely implying that an empty stomach, representing a state of deprivation and preoccupation with fundamental sustenance, prevents clear-headed analysis of political issues. In essence, he means that being overly focused on alleviating immediate needs leaves one ill-equipped to consider politics in an impartial, well-informed manner.

The quote suggests physical deprivation hampers one’s ability to act or think politically in a prudent way.

Birthday: March 14, 1879 – Death: April 18, 1955

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