Robert Frost: Accounting for Every Cent

Posted by admin on Friday, October 8, 2010

Robert Frost Money Quotation saying receipts for bean counting are not required of everyone – only those who must keep an account Robert Frost said:
Never ask of money spent, where the spender thinks it went with every cent Quote

“Never ask of money spent
Where the spender thinks it went.
Nobody was ever meant
To remember or invent
What he did with every cent
— Robert Frost


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In this quote, Robert Frost is commenting on how people generally do not like to carefully account for or recall exactly how they spent every small amount of money. The best interpretation is that Frost recognizes most people do not meticulously track or document every single penny they spend.

He suggests it is normal and natural for people not to perfectly remember or invent detailed explanations for where every single cent of money went. The implication seems to be that within reason, not worrying too much about small monetary details is an understandable and expected part of human nature.

Birthday: March 26, 1874 – Death: January 29, 1963

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