Silvio Berlusconi: Increasing Income

Posted by admin on Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Silvio Berlusconi Money Quote in which he offers the most obvious of solutions to starving italians attempting an escape from poverty:
Do it my way and earn more money Quote

“Do it my way and earn more money” — Silvio Berlusconi


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In this quote, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi seems to be suggesting that following his leadership and approach is the key to greater financial prosperity. By stating “Do it my way and earn more money”, Berlusconi implies his methods, philosophies and decision-making will lead to increased wealth and earnings.

The quote conveys Berlusconi’s self-assured view that aligning oneself with him and his strategies is the surest path to economic success and reward. However, some may argue this quote reflects an overly simplistic and self-aggrandizing perspective on governance that reduces complex policy questions to monetary outcomes alone.

Overall, Berlusconi appears to be characterizing his leadership style as the optimal means to lucrative ends, though others have critiqued it as prioritizing profit over other important societal considerations.

Birthday: September 29, 1936 – Present

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