Orson Welles: Sake of Posterity

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 26, 2020

Orson Welles Money Quote saying that to imagine that posterity will value our work beyond what we are paid to do it. Orson Welles said:
It is just as vulgar to work for the sake of posterity as to work for the sake of money Quote

“It is just as vulgar to work for the sake of posterity as to work for the sake of money” — Orson Welles


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In this quote, Orson Welles seems to be criticizing the notion of working primarily for fame or legacy rather than intrinsic fulfillment. By stating it is “just as vulgar” to work “for the sake of posterity” as to work “for the sake of money”, Welles implies that both approaches reduce creativity to external motivations rather than internal passion and purpose.

The quote conveys Welles’ perspective that seeking primarily to be remembered after death through one’s work is another form of compromising art for superficial rewards besides wealth alone.

Overall, Welles appears to be arguing that true creativity stems from self-expression, not desires for monetary gain, public acclaim or immortal renown, as these extrinsic ambitions risk detracting from work’s essence when they overshadow the inner joy of the creative process itself.

Birthday: May 6, 1915 – Death: October 10, 1985

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