Nick Hanauer: Inclusion Creates Prosperity

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 10, 2016

Nick Hanauer Money Quotation saying including everyone in prosperity is democratic beyond enabling rich to get richer. Nick Hanauer said:
The work of democracies is to maximize the inclusion of the many in order to create prosperity, not to enable the few to accumulate money Quote

“The work of democracies is to maximize the inclusion of the many in order to create prosperity, not to enable the few to accumulate money” — Nick Hanauer


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In this quote, Nick Hanauer is contrasting the proper role and purpose of democracies with the goal of enabling wealth accumulation by a few individuals.

He argues that the main work and focus of democratic governments should be to maximize the inclusion and participation of ordinary citizens in the political and economic system. This, in his view, is what ultimately creates broad-based prosperity for a society.

Hanauer is asserting that democracies are not meant to primarily benefit the few wealthy elites by enabling them to accumulate ever larger amounts of money and wealth.

Rather, democratic systems should be geared towards creating an economy and policies that include the many diverse citizens as equal stakeholders, which is what produces prosperity for all in a sustainable way.

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