Morgan Freeman: Make Film Money

Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Morgan Freeman Money Quote saying the reality of making movies is that they must make money or they won’t be made at all. Morgan Freeman said:
all just about making money, but if you don't make money, you don't make anything Quote

“If your income on films or whatever you’re producing using film drops below a certain level, then you don’t have enough money to stay in business. People like to say that this is all just about making money, but if you don’t make money, you don’t make anything” — Morgan Freeman


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In this quote, Morgan Freeman is acknowledging that while some may criticize the film industry as solely focused on profits, earning money is essential for the business to actually function and create more content. Freeman notes that if a filmmaker’s income drops below a certain threshold, they no longer have sufficient funds to remain operational and “stay in business.”

His point is that without making any money, “you don’t make anything” – productions cannot be sustained or realized without adequate financial backing and returns. So in essence, Freeman is arguing that profitability is a practical necessity, not just a goal in and of itself, for the film industry to continue producing movies, shows and other creative works.

The quote conveys Freeman’s perspective that generating revenue is not only about lucre but also a requirement for continued cinematic production according to his view of the business realities.

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