Michael Phelps: Putting Money in the Bank

Posted by admin on Saturday, April 23, 2016

Michael Phelps Money Quote saying after his olympic swimming records sweep comparing workouts to depositing money in the bank. Michael Phelps said:
I guess I put a lot of money in the bank over the last four years, and we withdrew pretty much every penny in the bank.  time to start depositing Quote

“Bob has a saying, ‘Putting money in the bank’ … When we train every day, sometimes there are workouts you don’t like, don’t want to do. Bob says you’re putting money in the bank. I guess I put a lot of money in the bank over the last four years, and we withdrew pretty much every penny in the bank. After Bob and I both grab a little break, it’ll be time to start depositing” — Michael Phelps


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In this quote, Michael Phelps is referring to his longtime coach Bob Bowman’s philosophy of “putting money in the bank” through hard training. Even when workouts are difficult or unenjoyable, Bowman views them as making deposits toward future success.

Phelps suggests over his four year Olympic run, he underwent immense training that acted as numerous “deposits” into his “bank” of swimming fitness, technique and experience. At the Olympics, he was then able to “withdraw” or access all the rewards of that training through his record-breaking performances.

Now enjoying a break, Phelps indicates it will soon be time to start “depositing” or building up his fitness again through training as he prepares for future competitions. So the quote portrays Phelps’ perspective that diligent training over time equates to making investments of effort that can be “cashed in” during competitions through superior performance.

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