Leon Cooperman: Not Raising My Exposure

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Leon Cooperman Money Quote saying if it’s not one thing it’s another, exposure to scrutiny. Leon Cooperman said:
Another idea came in, I didn’t want to raise my exposure so I sold, and went to something else Quote

“Another idea came in, I didn’t want to raise my exposure so I sold, and went to something else” — Leon Cooperman


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In this quote, Leon Cooperman seems to be describing a decision he made to sell some financial holdings and reinvest the proceeds elsewhere. A few key points:

  • He states that “another idea came in”, likely referring to becoming aware of or interested in a new investment opportunity.
  • Cooperman notes that he “didn’t want to raise my exposure”, suggesting he aimed to maintain his existing level of risk by not increasing his allocation to a particular asset class or sector.
  • As a result, he chose to “sold” his existing positions, presumably to free up capital, and “went to something else” by redirecting the funds into alternate investments.

Overall, the quote conveys Cooperman explaining a situation where a new investment prospect arose that piqued his interest, but rather than adding more money and increasing his exposure, he opted to sell other positions first in order to shift funds into the new “idea” or opportunity while keeping his overall risk level stable.

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