Josh Billings: Remember the Poor

Posted by admin on Monday, August 27, 2018

Josh Billings Money Quote saying those in poverty suffer neglect from those who could help simply by acknowledging and showing compassion without expense. Josh Billings said:
Remember the poor, it costs nothing Quote

“Remember the poor, it costs nothing” — Josh Billings


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In this quote, Josh Billings is commenting on how remembering or thinking about those less fortunate requires no financial sacrifice or resources. By stating that remembering the poor “costs nothing”, Billings implies that showing compassion even through simple acts like keeping the disadvantaged in one’s thoughts can be done without expending money.

The overall message seems to be that even when one is unable to provide direct aid, retaining empathy for the plight of the impoverished in one’s mind is a small way to acknowledge their situation that demands no payment.

Birthday: April 21, 1818 – Death: October 14, 1885

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