John Dingell on Government for Sale
on Monday, July 14, 2014John Dingell Money Quotation saying as he nears retirement, after 58 years in Congress, that history will demonstrate that government is corrupted by money. John Dingell said:
“History will show there is a very selfish game going on and our government has been largely put up for sale” — John Dingell
In this quote, former U.S. Representative John Dingell seems to be criticizing the corrupting influence of money in politics. He suggests that viewed historically, it will become clear there is a “very selfish game” being played, where special interests essentially “put up [the] government for sale” through the power of outsized political donations and lobbying.
Dingell appears to believe objective analysis over time will show how narrow financial interests have been able to largely dictate the actions of government by strategically influencing policymakers through campaign contributions and other financial means.
The quote conveys Dingell’s perspective that history will judge the modern political system as having prioritized selfish monetary gain over the public good due to the immense impact of private wealth on the democratic process and decision making.
Birthday: July 8, 1926 – Death: February 7, 2019
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