John Connally: To Be Rich is a Miracle

Posted by admin on Tuesday, October 15, 2013

John Connally Money Quotation saying there is no stigma of being now, but those who achieve wealth have achieved a miracle by current standards. John Connally said:
It's not a sin to be rich anymore, it's a miracle Quote

“It’s not a sin to be rich anymore, it’s a miracle” — John Connally


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In this quote, John Connally is challenging the idea that wealth is somehow morally questionable or should be viewed with skepticism. He argues that in modern times, amassing a large fortune through business success or investments should be seen as an impressive achievement rather than something to criticize.

Connally’s use of the word “miracle” suggests accumulating significant riches is an extraordinary, unlikely outcome rather than an expected result of regular work. The quote conveys that Connally believes earning a great deal of money says more about one’s abilities, work ethic and good fortune than any character flaws.

He appears to be advocating treating the wealthy with more admiration as their status stems from rare talents and opportunities rather than questionable means.

Birthday: February 27, 1917 – Death: June 15, 1993

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