Jane Bryant Quinn on You Own Stuff

Posted by admin on Saturday, October 19, 2013

Jane Bryant Quinn Money Quotation saying three things determine inheritance, that property and cash you own, when you will pass away and who you’ve left that stuff to, intentionally or by default. Jane Bryant Quinn said:
The three immutable facts: You own stuff. You will die. Someone will get that stuff Quote

“The three immutable facts: You own stuff. You will die. Someone will get that stuff” — Jane Bryant Quinn


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In this quote, Jane Bryant Quinn is concisely summarizing a core aspect of estate planning and inheritance. The three “immutable facts” she presents are:

  1. “You own stuff” – You accumulate possessions, wealth and assets over your lifetime.
  2. “You will die” – Acknowledging the inevitable reality of mortality.
  3. “Someone will get that stuff” – Upon an individual’s death, their estate including property, money and belongings must be distributed to others according to their will or the laws of intestacy if no will exists.

Quinn’s quote encapsulates the need for estate planning to determine who “someone” will be – that is, who your heirs will be to inherit your estate upon your passing. The quote serves as a reminder of the importance of proactively directing how your assets will be distributed after death, rather than leaving it to chance or legal default rules.

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