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Jarod Kintz: The Bank Owns Me

Posted by admin on Friday, May 26, 2023

Meaning of Jarod Kintz Money Quote: saying not owning anything can be empowering, unless still owned by the bank. Jarod Kintz said:

I own nothing, but at least nothing owns me. Well, besides the bank Quote

“I own nothing, but at least nothing owns me. Well, besides the bank” — Jarod Kintz


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In this quote, Jarod Kintz is making a humorous observation about his lack of possessions and debt obligations. By saying “I own nothing, but at least nothing owns me,” he’s referring to how some people feel defined or constrained by what they accumulate, whereas he feels liberated by owning little.

However, he then acknowledges that while he may not be owned by possessions, he is still owned “by the bank” through any debts or loans he has outstanding.

So Kintz is jokingly pointing out that while lacking possessions allows freedom from being defined by material things, debt obligations still impose a form of ownership over him through financial institutions.

Overall, the quote is meant in a lighthearted way to poke fun at how debt can feel like it controls people even if they own very little otherwise.

Josh Lieb: Rob Bank You Own

Posted by admin on Thursday, May 18, 2023

Meaning of Josh Lieb Money Quote: saying there is no need to be a bank robber if you own the bank because you have ready access to money. Josh Lieb said:

Crime is for poor people. You don't need to rob the bank if you own it Quote

Crime is for poor people. You don’t need to rob the bank if you own it” — Josh Lieb


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In this quote, Josh Lieb is making a commentary on wealth, power and crime. By stating “Crime is for poor people” and contrasting it with owning a bank, Lieb implies that those who are already extremely wealthy do not need to resort to illegal acts like robbery to acquire money.

The implication is that tremendous wealth can effectively shield one from having to engage in criminal behavior out of financial necessity. Overall, Lieb seems to be observing how affluence can place one beyond the reach of the legal system and reduce the incentives to break the law, for better or worse.

Stacy London: Own 300 Shoes

Posted by admin on Monday, November 8, 2021

Stacy London Money Quote saying that when you own too much of something you can redeem yourself by selling some. Stacy London said:
sales from my closet and give the money to charity. It's my way of recycling Quote

“I own about 300 pairs of shoes. When I start to go over 300, I have mini-sales from my closet and give the money to charity. It’s my way of recycling; I feel like I can give back to the universe” — Stacy London


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In this quote, Stacy London seems to be describing her approach to managing her extensive shoe collection while also supporting charitable causes. Specifically:

  • London notes she has accumulated around 300 pairs of shoes, which she recognizes is a large quantity.
  • She states that when her collection exceeds 300 pairs, she holds “mini-sales” where she sells shoes from her closet to downsize.
  • London then donates the money earned from these shoe sales “to charity”, implying she sees it as a way to give back through her excess purchases.
  • She portrays it as a type of “recycling” that allows her hobby to also benefit others, giving her a sense that she can “give back to the universe” through her passion for shoes.

The best interpretation is London has found a way to responsibly maintain her shoe collection while also using her interest to financially support philanthropic efforts, providing a sense of balance and purpose around her sizable hobby according to her system of periodically selling shoes no longer worn to generate donations for those in need.

Kobe Bryant: Own Rich Athletes

Posted by admin on Monday, August 23, 2021

Kobe Bryant Money Quote saying why he’d rather not be a team owner – entitled, wealthy athletes are too much. Kobe Bryant said:
You want me to own a team and deal with these rich, spoiled stubborn athletes, and try to get them to perform? No thank you Quote

“You want me to own a team and deal with these rich, spoiled stubborn athletes, and try to get them to perform? No thank you” — Kobe Bryant


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In this quote, Kobe Bryant is jokingly expressing that he has no interest in becoming an owner of a professional sports franchise. When he refers to athletes as “rich, spoiled stubborn”, Bryant is likely playfully describing the challenges of managing professional players who have high salaries and egos.

His rhetorical question suggests that the difficulties of dealing with athletes’ personalities and motivating top performance would outweigh any appeal of team ownership for him.

Overall, the quote conveys Bryant’s view, said humorously, that the people management aspects of being an owner seem like more trouble than they’re worth, given his experience as a player. He seems to be acknowledging the complexities of the owner role with amusement rather than a serious statement.


Birthday: August 23, 1978 – Death: January 26, 2020

Nelson Rockefeller: Own Nothing

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 8, 2021

Nelson Rockefeller Money Quote saying to be successful is to be a controller, not an owner of things. Nelson Rockefeller said:
The secret to success is to own nothing, but control everything Quote

“The secret to success is to own nothing, but control everything” — Nelson Rockefeller


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In this quote, former U.S. Vice President Nelson Rockefeller is offering an unconventional perspective on achieving success. On the surface, he suggests that rather than owning assets outright, true power and influence come from controlling resources indirectly through other means.

Some possible interpretations are that influence over policy, public opinion, or business decisions can be more strategically impactful than direct ownership alone. It may also imply that maintaining flexibility and options through leasing, contracts, or joint ventures rather than full ownership is a shrewder long-term approach.

Overall, Rockefeller seems to be advising ambitious individuals to think beyond traditional definitions of success focused solely on accumulation of property, and to consider more nuanced forms of control that don’t require ownership on paper.

Birthday: July 8, 1908 – Death: January 26, 1979

Warren Buffett: Own Stock 10 Years

Posted by admin on Sunday, March 21, 2021

Warren Buffett Money Quote saying it is best to invest for the long term to be successful at investing. Warren Buffett said:
If you aren’t willing to own a stock for ten years, don’t even think about owning it for ten minutes Quote

“If you aren’t willing to own a stock for ten years, don’t even think about owning it for ten minutes” — Warren Buffett


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He’s suggesting that if you’re not willing to hold onto a stock for a long period of time, then you shouldn’t even consider buying it in the first place. He believes that long-term investing is the key to success in the stock market.

By holding onto a stock for ten years, you’ll be able to ride out any short-term fluctuations and potentially benefit from the company’s long-term growth. Does that make sense?

Karl Lagerfeld: Buy What Excites

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Karl Lagerfeld Money Quote saying that shopping is not something to do by itself – you should only buy exciting things you don’t already own. Karl Lagerfeld said:
Buy what you don’t have yet, or what you really want, which can be mixed with what you already own. Buy only because something excites you, not just for the simple act of shopping Quote

“Buy what you don’t have yet, or what you really want, which can be mixed with what you already own. Buy only because something excites you, not just for the simple act of shopping” — Karl Lagerfeld


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In this quote, Karl Lagerfeld is giving advice about shopping and consumerism. Some key points:

  • He suggests only buying items that you genuinely want and find exciting, rather than just aimless shopping for the sake of it.
  • Lagerfeld says to buy things you “don’t have yet” to expand your possessions in a way that enhances your life.
  • Items purchased should also be things that can integrate well visually and conceptually with what you already own (“mixed with what you already own”).
  • This implies carefully considering purchases that authentically excite you and fit your personal style, rather than impulse buys or keeping up with trends.

Overall, Lagerfeld advocates intentional, considered shopping based on genuine desire and excitement for a product, not just habitual retail therapy. The purchases should excite the buyer and complement their existing aesthetics and interests. It’s about quality over mindless quantity in accumulating possessions.

Birthday September 10, 1933 – Death: February 19, 2019


Arthur Miller: Work a Lifetime To Pay Off

Posted by admin on Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Arthur Miller Money Quote saying we struggle throughout our lives to attain that which has value to no one in the end. Arthur Miller said:
Work a lifetime to pay off a house. you finally own it, and there's nobody to live in it Quote

Work a lifetime to pay off a house. you finally own it, and there’s nobody to live in it” — Arthur Miller


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In this quote, playwright Arthur Miller seems to be reflecting on the paradox of achieving financial security and stability late in life after a lifetime of work and sacrifice, but then lacking the capacity to fully enjoy the fruits of one’s labor. Some key points:

  • Miller notes it can take an entire career (“work a lifetime”) of effort and earnings to pay off a mortgage and fully own a home free and clear.
  • However, he implies that by the time this milestone of property ownership is finally reached, one is likely older and “there’s nobody to live in it” with – potentially referring to children moving out or a spouse having passed away.
  • Miller’s comment conveys a sense of irony, sadness and missed opportunity – the house is no longer filled with the loved ones who provided motivation during the long struggle to become a homeowner.
  • It captures the perspective that financial security may come too late to fully experience or share with family/friends, after dedicating decades to achieving it.

Overall, the quote reflects on the bittersweet nature of attaining hard-fought monetary goals late in life only to find diminished ability to enjoy the fruits of one’s labor amid changing life stages and circumstances. For Miller, prosperity alone does not equal fulfillment.

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