Friedrich Nietzsche: Lament Music Profit

Posted by admin on Friday, October 21, 2016

Friedrich Nietzsche Money Quote saying large enterprises rely on the income from talented artists that “sell out” to create popular music. Friedrich Nietzsche said:
Only sick music makes money today; our big theaters subsist on Wagner Quote

“Only sick music makes money today; our big theaters subsist on Wagner” — Friedrich Nietzsche


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In this quote, Friedrich Nietzsche is making a critique of the popular and commercial music of his time. He argues that only “sick music” (i.e. music of poor or questionable artistic merit) is making money. As an example, he notes that the big theaters are financially dependent on the works of Richard Wagner, whose operas Nietzsche considered overblown and melodramatic.

So Nietzsche is suggesting that popular and financial success in the music world had become disconnected from true artistic worth, and that composers like Wagner who produced what Nietzsche saw as “sick music” were nonetheless highly lucrative. The quote reflects Nietzsche’s elitist and controversial views on culture and art.

Birthday October 15, 1844 – Death: August 25, 1900

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