Frank Lloyd Wright: NYC Greed

Posted by admin on Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Frank Lloyd Wright Money Quote saying he believed that New York was the greediest city run by the power of money. Frank Lloyd Wright said:
New York City is a great monument to the power of money and greed... a race for rent Quote

“New York City is a great monument to the power of money and greed… a race for rent” — Frank Lloyd Wright


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In this quote, Frank Lloyd Wright is criticizing New York City and the driving forces behind its development. By describing it as “a great monument to the power of money and greed”, Wright suggests the city has grown in a way that primarily serves the interests of accumulating wealth, rather than other values like community or quality of life.

He characterizes New York as “a race for rent”, implying the city is focused on maximizing rental income from property at the expense of other concerns.

Overall, Wright seems to view New York as an example of unchecked capitalism and materialism, where the pursuit of profit through real estate has become the overriding priority shaping the urban landscape, rather than other considerations like livability, sustainability or civic responsibility.

The quote portrays the architect’s negative assessment of New York City as overly dominated by financial and commercial interests.

Birthday: June 8, 1867 – Death: April 9, 1959

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