Francisco Fernández-Carvajal: Happy New Year

Posted by admin on Monday, January 1, 2024

Francisco Fernandez-Carvajal Money Quote: saying When everyone wishes us a Happy New Year, they frequently include financial good wishes for us. Francisco Fernandez-Carvajal said:
plenty of money, that you get a rise in salary, that prices fall Quote

“What do most people mean by Happy New Year?… that you flourish, that you make plenty of money, that the taxman doesn’t get you, that you get a rise in salary, that prices fall…” – Francisco Fernández-Carvajal


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In this quote, Francisco Fernández-Carvajal is highlighting some of the common materialistic hopes and desires that people associate with the new year. He notes that many view a “Happy New Year” as meaning financial prosperitymaking money, paying less taxes, getting a salary increase, and even lower prices. The quote suggests Fernández-Carvajal sees these as surface-level interpretations focused on wealth and expenses.

His implication seems to be that while money and costs certainly impact well-being, true happiness is deeper and encompasses non-financial factors like health, relationships, purpose and personal growth.

Overall, the quote serves as a reminder that monetary goals alone may not equate to a truly “Happy New Year” in the fullest sense.

The “In Conversation with God” series by Francis Fernández-Carvajal is a collection of daily meditations and reflections. Each volume focuses on a specific time period, like Advent or Ordinary Time, and provides short passages intended to help readers meditate on Scripture and have a spiritual conversation with God throughout the day.

Fernández-Carvajal’s gentle, thoughtful style and focus on developing intimacy with God through daily prayer and reflection. The financial quote above is drawn from (In Conversation with God – Volume 1 Part 2)

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