Edith Wharton: Great Deal of Money
on Thursday, January 24, 2019Edith Wharton Money Quote saying money is as essential to survival as breath and not having enough leaves anyone gasping. Edith Wharton said:
“The only way to not think about money is to have a great deal of it. You might as well say that the only way not to think about air is to have enough to breathe” — Edith Wharton
In this quote, author Edith Wharton is making a commentary on the relationship between wealth, financial security and the ability to avoid worrying about money. Some key points:
- She notes that the only way a person can truly stop thinking about and stressing over money is if they have an abundant “great deal” of wealth and resources.
- Wharton implies that without a significant surplus of funds, most people will constantly have money on their mind to some degree as bills need paying.
- She compares having enough money to not worry to having enough air to breathe – meaning it is a basic necessity and preoccupation for survival if one lacks sufficient funds, just as air is essential for life.
Overall, Wharton is conveying that financial concerns are unavoidable unless a person has amassed a sizable amount of wealth that removes any doubt about having their basic needs met or flexibility for unexpected costs. For most, money remains an ongoing consideration, just as breathing requires a regular supply of oxygen.
Birthday January 24, 1862 – Death: August 11, 1937