Debasish Mridha: Capital To Be Invested

Posted by admin on Monday, March 26, 2018

Debasish Mridha Money Quote saying We often see cost of education as an expense, but it is really an investment toward wisdom in teaching us to properly think. Debasish Mridha said:
Education is not an expense, but capital to be invested. The return depends on the wisdom you gained Quote

“Education is not an expense, but it is the capital ready to be invested. The return depends on the wisdom you gained” — Debasish Mridha


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The quote by Debasish Mridha is emphasizing that education should not be viewed as a mere expense, but rather as an investment in one’s knowledge and skills that can yield returns.

It suggests that the money spent on education is like capital or money invested, with the potential to generate value or benefits depending on how wisely one applies what they have learned.

The quote reinforces the idea that education pays off and is worthwhile, but the specific returns or advantages gained are determined by the insight and good judgment with which a person uses their education in their life and career going forward.

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